Welcome to
Exploring Watercolor 101: LITE

(the perfect can-complete-in-an-afternoon introduction to all things loose watercolor illustration)

The full version of this course, Exploring Watercolor 101, will re-open for enrollment on March 3, 2021.
Any student of EW101 LITE will have the option to upgrade to the full version.

If you've ever thought to yourself...

..."I'm not talented enough to paint..." 


..."I'll just leave the watercolor to the real artists..." 


..."no amount of teaching could ever help me understand watercolor..." 

...then you're in the right place, my friend. Because I know exactly how you feel. 


Hi! My name is Kolbie, and up until 2016, I thought the extent of my artistic ability landed squarely on (poorly drawn) stick figures. 

I did a lot of other creative things, but art was never one of them -- and I was just fine with that. 

Still, I think I was secretly longing for some kind of visual arts outlet because when I stumbled on a bunch of watercolor and hand lettering accounts on Instagram way back when, I was hooked

Those little 15-second video tutorials (#tbt to 2016-era Instagram) drew me in for hours, and I surprisingly found myself itching to grab a pencil and scribble something, ANYTHING, on a page.

The only problem? 

I was loaded with self-doubt and insecurity from a lifetime of telling myself that art "just wasn't my thing." 

Luckily, I decided to give it a try anyway.

Why can't I do that? I thought. What's the worst that could happen?

Three years later, I quit my 9-5 communications job to pursue this "art thing" full time -- and all because I decided to muster the courage to try.

Now, I want to help you become
the watercolor artist of your dreams.

Since launching my first online classes and in-person workshops in spring 2018, I've helped
more than 12,000 students confidently pick up a paint brush and explore their creativity through watercolor, and I want to do the same thing for you. 

That's why I created Exploring Watercolor 101 - my signature course for watercolor beginners. 

The full course is under construction right now and will open its doors again in Fall 2020 (click through to get on the waitlist), but I know that some people need a little something right now -- especially during these stressful times.

Enter Exploring Watercolor 101: LITE


Exploring Watercolor 101: LITE is a smaller investment than my larger course, but it can still yield amazing results if you put in the time.


“Kolbie made this newbie feel like an artist!”
-Carol N.

This self-led course is for you if:

  • You've ever told yourself "I'm not an artist" - and let that be a reason not to try watercolor. 
  • You'd love to learn how to break down watercolor paintings into doable steps and techniques.
  • You prefer to learn by doing - with just as many projects as there are lessons.
  • You're ready to explore the magic of imperfection and dive deep into your creativity.

“Love Kolbie's simple instructions and fun approach to watercoloring for some seriously cool results!”
Sujanitha S.

Becoming a full-time artist has been a wild ride, and I've landed gigs doing just about everything you can in watercolor illustration, from commissioned paintings, wedding invititations, logos + branding, and editorial work...

...but nothing compares to helping hesitant students
discover they were artists all along.

I'm a firm believer that everyone and anyone can be an artist, and the world needs your creativity. 


Through more than 2 hours of instruction and 6 individual projects, you'll explore the ins and outs of watercolor and color theory basics - everything you need to become the watercolor artist I know you can be.


So... what do you say? Want to join me for a life-changing adventure?

Kolbie Blume, artist, writer, and your biggest fan

After decades of believing art just "wasn't her thing," Kolbie picked up a brush pen on a whim and decided to give hand lettering a try. What started as an obsession eventually grew into a passionate career, leading her through calligraphy and lettering to watercolor illustration. 

After a few years of teaching herself to love art, she couldn't hold it in any longer and decided to make a little class on Skillshare. Two years and 12k+ students later, she's made a living from teaching other people to love art, and she's never looked back. 

Her goal with each class is to help give you the courage + tools to keep making beautiful things -- because the world needs all the creativity it can get.

Take a peek inside
​​​​​​​Exploring Watercolor 101: LITE!

Module One: Getting to Know Your Supplies
Before you can paint anything, you need to learn about your tools. In this lesson, we'll chat about all things paint, brushes, paper, and more.

Module Two: Basic Techniques
Every watercolor painting EVER can be broken down into a few basic techniques. 

Module Three: Exploring Color
Learning about color theory is the BEST way to build a solid foundation for your watercolor journey. This module will give you the keys to making your paintings pop. 

Module Four: Mindfulness + More
Let's take a deeper dive into your creativity with lessons on mindfulness + more projects!

Your inner artist is waiting.
​​​​​​​Let's go explore!

One-time payment of $49

  • Lifetime access to more than 2 hours of instruction and 6 unique projects
  • Bonus PDFs and visual aids, including an in-depth supplies guide and full page of bonus prompts to continue your watercolor journey
  • Instant access to Kolbie's exclusive Facebook group, the Art Explorers Club, where you can connect with other burgeoning artists and receive bonus instruction throughout the year 
  • FAST-ACTION BONUS: FREE copy of Kolbie's bestselling ebooks, Painting the Wilderness and Loose Watercolor Florals

Enroll Now (Instant Access)